Anthropometric evaluation and micro level of intake of iron, vitamin C Calcium in handball athletes the Federal Institute of Saints Spirit -Campus Venda Nova do Imigrante, Espírito Santo

  • Andressa Garbelotto Faccim Universidade Estácio de Sá, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Keywords: Sport, Nutrients, Food, Health, Sports performance


The aim of this study was to evaluate body composition, body iron stores through serum ferritin as well as the level of intake of the micronutrient iron, vitamin C and calciuminhandball athletes. Anthropometric assessment wascharacterized by height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and body fat percentages. Serum ferritin levels were assessed by biochemical parameters and to obtain data dietary intake, the food record method, where the athletes performed four 24-hour food records during the period of one week was used. The results show that the mean BMI and WC are presented within the normal range, which were of 23.41 kg / m² ± 2.57 and 71.66 ± 4.71 cm, respectively. For fat percentage observed an average of 26.27% ± 3.86, demonstrating a pattern of high adiposity for the athletic population. According to the biochemical data, the mean serum ferritin was 53.84 ± 41ng/mL. However, most athletes (66.7%) showed ferritin values below the lower threshold. These lower values may have great relationship with the data in the evaluation of habitual intake of the micronutrient iron, since most athletes (88.8%) had iron intake in amounts below the recommended range for age. Based on the results, we also found an inadequate micronutrient intake of calcium and vitamin C by 100% and 66.6% of athletes, respectively. Thus, it becomes necessary individual monitoring of athletes by a dietitian, especially those found in adolescence, thus correcting dietary inadequacies, improving physical performance.


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How to Cite
Garbelotto Faccim, A. (2015). Anthropometric evaluation and micro level of intake of iron, vitamin C Calcium in handball athletes the Federal Institute of Saints Spirit -Campus Venda Nova do Imigrante, Espírito Santo. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 9(50), 120-128. Retrieved from
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