Food consumption, anthropometric profile and body image of classic ballerinas from São Francisco
Classical ballet is a form of dance that requires good physical performance from the practitioners beyond the requirements for a slim and stylish body. Thus, food is an essential factor since it can determine body composition and physical fitness. The aimsof this study were to assess dietary intake, anthropometric profile and body image among female ballet dancers. In a descriptive study, 18 dancers aged between 15 and 43 years were evaluated. These subjects were submitted to the kinanthropometric evaluation, completion of24-hour food recall and body image evaluation with help of silhouette scales. Most of the dancers were eutrophic according BMI (88.9%) with adequate body fat percentage (94.4). High prevalence of dissatisfaction (77.8%) was verified in relation to body image and most of the sample showed desire to lose weight (71.4%). The food consumption evaluation showed low energy intake by 72.2% of the sample. On the other hand, it was observed that the macronutrient intake is adequate for most of them, as well as cholesterol and dietary fiber. There was a low intake of iron, calcium and potassium.However, the female ballet dancers studied showed risks for the development of nutritional deficiencies and body image distortion. Interventions are needed to prevent health hazards.
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