Nutritional profile of physical active people from a module of orientation service to exercise (soe) of the city Vitória-ES

  • Tayenne Dias Pereira Universidade Federal do Espí­rito Santo (UFES), Vitória-ES, Brasil
  • Fabiano Kenji Haraguchi Universidade Federal do Espí­rito Santo (UFES), Vitória-ES, Brasil
Keywords: Nutritional status, Physical activity, Food and nutrition education


The practice of physical activity must be associated with a healthy nutrition in order to achieve health and life quality. The aimof this study was to do a community action program of nutritional evaluation in physical activities practitioners that are attending a module of Orientation Service to Exercise (SOE) of Vitoria-ES. It is a descriptive study with a sample of 68 individuals, both genders, ages between 21 to 81 years. The nutritional evaluation was performed from anthropometric measurements of weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and percentage of corporal fat. Theassociation analyses were performed through of the chi-square test using the program SPSS for Windows, version 21, being the level of significance established in α0,05. It was observed a predominance of female individuals. Through evaluation of BMI and %of corporal fat, it was observed the presence of overweight or obesity in the majority of evaluated individuals, although the abdominal obesity has been observed only in women (WC > 80cm). It was not observed a significant association (p<0,05) between thefrequency of physical activity and the anthropometric variables. In conclusion, there is a predominance of female individuals that have an overweight and/or obesity. Considering that it was not found a significant association between the frequency of physical activity and the anthropometric variables evaluated. To emphasize the importance of a healthy eating to achieve health and to optimize the exercise effects.


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How to Cite
Pereira, T. D., & Haraguchi, F. K. (2015). Nutritional profile of physical active people from a module of orientation service to exercise (soe) of the city Vitória-ES. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 9(52), 318-324. Retrieved from
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