Analysis of levels of water loss and percentage rate of sweating in teenagers swimmers athletes of competition in acute aerobic training

  • Jhonny Kleber Silva Faculdades FEFISA
  • Luciana da Silva Lirani Doutora em Educação Fí­sica (UFPR)
  • Marcelo Romanovitch Ribas Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica (UTFPR)
Keywords: Water loss, Sweat rate, Swimmers, Dehydration


When proper hydration is done during physical activity, for recreational or competitive purposes, it can ensure that the desired performance of the athlete will be achieved, and that health problems can be avoided. The aimof the studywas to determine the level of water loss and the percentage of sweating rate adolescent swimmers suffer during acute aerobic workout. The sample consist of 10 athletes of both genders, being 30% female, in the average age (14 ± 0), and 70% male, in the average age (14.14 ± 0.89), all part of a sports association which aims to promote and encourage the sport of swimming. Athletes practice an average of 3 hours per day, six times a week. Pre assessment was mandatory for athletes along with those responsible for signing the Informed Consent and then athletes were weighed before and after practice to calculate the rate of sweating and fluid loss. On the evaluated athletes, 70% (n=7) presented weight loss while 30% (n=3) gained weight. After the practice the participating athletes answered a questionnaire about hydration and it was observed that even hydrated athletes presented feelings of dry mouth and thirst after practice. It is concluded that it is important to be alert about hydration during all times to ensure the best performance of the athletes, because even when finishing the study well-hydrated, individuals presented symptoms of dehydration.

Author Biography

Jhonny Kleber Silva, Faculdades FEFISA

Licenciado e Bacharelado em Educação Fisica- Faculdade Dom Bosco. Pós Graduado Nutrição Esportiva- Faculdades Fefisa


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How to Cite
Silva, J. K., Lirani, L. da S., & Ribas, M. R. (2015). Analysis of levels of water loss and percentage rate of sweating in teenagers swimmers athletes of competition in acute aerobic training. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 9(52), 325-335. Retrieved from
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