Relationship between nutritional status and perception of body self-image of teen gymnasts

  • Ana Carolina Ladeia Solera Santos Nutricionista graduada pelo Centro Universitário São Camilo
  • Tamara Stulbach Docente do Centro Universitário São Camilo, Nutricionista, Doutora e Mestre em Nutrição e Saúde Pública pela Faculdade de Saúde Pública
  • Michelle Sposito Nutricionista do Colégio Eduardo Gomes
  • Thaí­sa Pereira Nutricionista do Colégio Eduardo Gomes
Keywords: Teenagers, Nutritional assessment, Body image, Eating disorders


Due to social, sociocultural and the media influences, it is common forteenagers and women to distort body awareness. Athletes in modalities that advocate low body weight and high aesthetics standards may be more affected by body image disturbances. Aiming to analyze the relationship between the nutritional status and the perception of body self-image in teen gymnasts in São Caetano do Sul, it was performed an anthropometric evaluation in order to establish the nutritional status and it was employed a self-image scale proposed by Stunkard to endorse the body image perception of 21 teenagers aged 10 to 16 years old, being 19 females and 2 males. Most of them presented euthrophic state, one was underweight and six were overweight. The self-image body distortion occurred in 28.57% out of the total. With regards to BMI index, 33.33% presented alterations; similar results were registered in a study with teen athletes. Data found about body distortion are similar to other studies about female athletes where 24.4% of them showed self-image body distortion, having an association with overweight and distortion. Self-image body distortion in athletes can be the trigger for the development of eating disorders. It is demanded greater attention to this group and higher awareness of coaches and families. Evidences show the relationship between excess weight and the tendency of body image distortion.


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How to Cite
Ladeia Solera Santos, A. C., Stulbach, T., Sposito, M., & Pereira, T. (2015). Relationship between nutritional status and perception of body self-image of teen gymnasts. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 9(52), 348-354. Retrieved from
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