Evaluation of the state of hydration and water intake in practicing the triathlon
Introduction: Triathlon is a sport consisting of swimming, cycling and running. Because it is a strenuous exercise, there is a great heat which must be dissipated to the outside through the evaporation of sweat. Consequently, it is essential to proper replacement fluids in order to prevent desidratração. Objective: To evaluate the hydration status and fluid intake of triathletes the City of Palms, on a test simulation of the short type. Materials and Methods: The study included five triathletes, male, regularly trained in this modality. There was the body weight before and immediately after exercise, and from the difference found, we calculated the degree of dehydration and subsequent classification of hydration status. The initial and final liquid volume was accounted for assessment of water intake. The sweat rate was calculated from the equation proposed by Hoswill (1998) and the perception of effort assessed at the end of each modality by Borg scale of 6-20 points. Results and Discussion: All athletes had a minimum dehydration. The total sweat rate was 2.2 ± 0.8L and water intake of 0.5 ± 0.2 L. The perception of effort varied between ≥11 and ≤18 points points. Due to the large interindividual variability in sweat rate, it is desirable that each athlete perform fluid replacement based on his sweating and not in pre-established guidelines for recommendations. Conclusion: It was concluded that athletes are not adequately rehidratam during exercise.
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