Nutritional intervention in athletes of teens practitioners futsal an athletic association Curitiba-PR
Sports practice inadolescence is of paramount importance, for it brings a range of benefits for the health of the individual, as a significant reduction of body fat, increased basal metabolic rate, beneficial changes in eating patterns and better image and body language. Objective: To use nutrition education strategies in a group of adolescents practicing futsal and verify possible improvement in the food and anthropometric profile after the intervention. Participants were nine futsal players athletes, aged 14 and 15, youngpeople underwent anthropometric measurements for body composition analysis and assessment of dietary intake through food for 24 hours record (R24hs) before and after nutritional intervention. The results significant changes in weight and BMI after six months of intervention. With respect to total body mass, the initial sample weighed 56.16 ± 9,52kg and, after six months, had an average of 60.21 ± 7,73kg. Regarding BMI, the group began with 20.55 ± 2,21kg / m2 and after six months, showed a BMI of 21.65 ± 3.3 kg / m2. Before and after the intervention all athletes found themselves classified as normal. Regarding the dietary profile observed no significant change in nutrients investigated after the intervention period. It was found that the group of teenagers showed changes in anthropometric profile and no significant improvements in the food profile.
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