Consumption of antioxidants foods by handball athletes
Handball is the combination of severalsports, with different characteristics and rules, and it is considered an intermittent sport that uses both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Unfortunately, there are few studies, but it shows that handball induces a state of oxidative stress. The aimwas to investigate the consumption of antioxidants in handball athletes. Within a sample of 15 handball male players, from young,junior and adult categories, with ages between 18 and 29 years (20.60 ± 3.73 years), was found that most of them consume foods that are sources of vitamins C, E, carotenoids for about 1 to 2 times a day, 53.3 % (n = 8 ), 40 % (n = 6) and 46.7 % (n = 7), neither consumes food that are source of flavonoids daily and 53.3 % (n = 8) of them said intake athletes selenium rich foods 1 to 2 times a week. We concluded that handball athletes have the habit of consuming foods that are source of antioxidant vitamins (A, E and carotenoids), although it needs nutrition education projects, to incentive others antioxidants sources as selenium and flavonoids.
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