Hydration in swimmers
The maintenance of fluid balance during exercise helps to ensure optimal performance of the athlete. The investigation of dehydration in water sports has been neglected in the literature. Therefore, this work had aim to evaluate the hydration status of swimming athletes in different conditions. The study included nine male swimmers of youth, junior and senior categories. The daily hydration status was assessed using the WUT (weight, urine color and thirst) and urinary osmolality. To assess the hydration status during training with and without fluid replacement (isotonic beverage) was given sweat rate from the difference of the body mass measured immediately before and after the training session and the volume of fluid ingested. The total athletes evaluated 88.8% of them presented probable dehydration according to WUT. The urinary osmolality use indicated hypohydration in 78% of the athletes. Although average percentage of water loss (-0.47 ± 0.41%) was low during training without replacement, 88% of the athletes showed some degree dehydration. The use of isotonic beverage ad libitum during training promoted weight gain average percentage equal to 0.13 ± 0.46%. Even being practiced in an aquatic environment, the swim practice promoted water losses in magnitude that can be considered low. However, due to significant individual variability of water loss is important that the swimmer perform fluid replacement during training. The use of isotonic beverage can be used, but with a controlled volume.
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