Nutrient intake assessment in physical activity in gyms in the city of Aracaju-SE

  • Maria Carolina Rezende Universidade Tiradentes
  • Thayane Andrade Lima Universidade Tiradentes
  • Hugo José Xavier Santos Universidade Tiradentes
Keywords: Food, Bodybuilding, Quality of life, Supplementation, Food frequency


The current paper had as purpose to identify what is the best nutritional contribution to bodybuilder practitioners, in addition to analyse the knowledge from users about the daily alimentation and utilized supplements. The data collection was performed intwo health clubs from the city, through the application of a questionnaire and of the Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQ) which 271 individuals were interviewed, being the female gender the one with the biggest frequency (54.2%). It was observed that the health club frequenters have as goal the acquisition and maintenance of life quality (33.2%), followed by muscle hypertrophy (27.7%). The majority says not to make use of food supplements (55.4%), the ones who do, 10.7% make use os a combination of more than three supplements. Without the alimentation, it can be observed that among the energetic food groups, the carbohydrates are under the recommended, protein and lipids are suitable according to what is recommended. Without vegetables and greens are under the recommended and fruits are suitable according to what is recommended by the Brazilian Nutritive Pyramid.


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How to Cite
Rezende, M. C., Lima, T. A., & Santos, H. J. X. (2016). Nutrient intake assessment in physical activity in gyms in the city of Aracaju-SE. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 10(60), 660-665. Retrieved from
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