Nutritional assessment professional an academy of São Paulo

  • Iasmin Moreira Smaili Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, São Paulo-SP, Brasil.
Keywords: Athlete, Tennis, Anthropometry, Nutricion


Introduction: The tennis has unique characteristics in their attacks, where all energy systems are gathered during the practice of this sport. Soon, the diet of these athletes should prioritize the adequate provision of all nutrients. In addition, it is relevant to reinforce that the anthropometric characteristics also have significant role in sports performance. Objective: To perform a anthropometric evaluation together with an dietary evaluation in pros studied and compare the values found with the recommendation ideal. Materials and Methods: Participated in the study twenty pros of male over twenty years. Were measured weight, stature and skin folds. Was also applied one food frequency questionnaire along with one questionnaire of food record, with the purpose of investigating the dietary intake of athletes. Results: The main findings of this study were related with the feeding, where it was noticed increased intake of protein and insufficient in carbohydrates, fibers and calcium. The BMI and body fat percentage of athletes is within the normality Discussion: Know the anthropometric profile and nutritional status of the athlete is crucial for the development of the Dietary Planning and still, essential for the development strategies for training, to achieve the desired performance in sports. The present study observed that in other sports modalities the results were similar in relation to the intake of macronutrients, showing that it is not unique to tennis this imbalance food. Conclusion: This study suggests the need for nutritional intervention as a strategy for correction of noncompliant food.


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How to Cite
Smaili, I. M. (2018). Nutritional assessment professional an academy of São Paulo. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 12(70), 127-134. Retrieved from
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