Use of isotonic drinks by physically active in Teresina-PI

  • Maysa Silva Cavalcante Associação Teresinense de ensino - FSA (Faculdade Santo Augostinho)
  • Charllyton Luis Sena da costa Associação Teresinense de Ensino(Faculdade Santo Agostinho)
Keywords: Hydration, Dehydration, Academy


Hydration is important in various stages of training or competition, dependent on the individual needs of macro and micronutrients, the duration of exercise, climate, and organic wear caused by the specific sport, directly influencing the performance in the electrolyte balance and maintaining body temperature. Sports drinks replenish the losses incurred by sweating, water, electrolytes and minerals, maintaining the electrolyte balance of the body. The objective of this study is to evaluate the use of isotonic drinks by physically active in Teresina PI. The study was carried out in a gym, in Teresina PI; with the participation of 22 people from practicing physical activity, age group 18 to 40 years, of both sexes, which were submitted to application of a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 22 physically active, and 33.3% (n = 7) were male and 66.7% (n = 15) were female, with average duration of one hour training per day, up from three times a week. They were divided on Gender, training frequency, time of hydration, consume sports drinks, time consumption, and the choice of Isotonic. It was noted that consumption of these drinks by some practitioners of physical activity, the moments of use, knowing the importance of hydration, and confirmation that its use helps to better their performance in high-performance training, where much people know their effects or just do not know.


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How to Cite
Cavalcante, M. S., & Sena da costa, C. L. (2017). Use of isotonic drinks by physically active in Teresina-PI. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 11(66), 657-661. Retrieved from
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