Habit alimentary and frequency of consumption of alimentary supplements: a study with athletes of badminton

  • Lana Cunha Faculdade Santo Agostinho - FSA
  • Luciane de Castro Gomes Ibiapina Costa Filha Faculdade Santo Agostinho - FSA
  • Luiza Marly Freitas De Carvalho Nutricionista, Educadora Fí­sica, Coordenadora da Pós em Nutrição Clí­nica e Funcional-FSA, Mestre em Alimentos e Nutrição-UFPI, Especialista em Saúde Pública-UFPI, Especialista em Fisiologia e Biomecânica-UESPI.
Keywords: Teen athletes, Badminton, Nutritional supplements


The adolescent athletes are opting for the supplements consumption nutricionais in search of better performance, dependant of the individual characteristics, intensity and duration of the fulfilled training. The objective of this study knew the food habit and the frequency of the consumption of food supplements in athletes of badminton. The study was carried out in a training center of badminton in Teresina, PI; with participation of 11 athletes that was in period of daily pay-competition, of age group between 12 to 19 years, of both sexes, which were subjected to the application of an itinerary of interview. The sample was constituted 36,4 % (n=4) of the feminine type and 63,6 % (n=7) of the masculine type, with training duration 4 hours in a day, being 6 times in the week. With base, in the Food Pyramid Adapted for Adolescents Fisicamente Ativos it was observed that the adolescent athletes should accomplish food groups inferior (cereals,fruits, greens and vegetables, milk and derivates); superior (sugars and sweets); and adapted (bean and leguminous plants, meats and eggs, oils and fats) to the dietetic standards. It was identified what the athletes consumed in the training based on the use of supplements nutricionais: Whey Protein once during the training with objective of energy and the BCAA supply in the period daily pay and powders-trainings to reduce the fatigue and degree of muscular injury. It was considered that the food of the adolescent athletes of badminton does not attend his necessities nutricionais, with absence of a food well-adjusted for the objectives of the training and the physiologic alterations of the adolescence in order that a better performance leads to a sportsman

Author Biography

Lana Cunha, Faculdade Santo Agostinho - FSA

Acadêmica de Nutrição


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How to Cite
Cunha, L., Costa Filha, L. de C. G. I., & De Carvalho, L. M. F. (2016). Habit alimentary and frequency of consumption of alimentary supplements: a study with athletes of badminton. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 10(60), 673-678. Retrieved from https://www.rbne.com.br/index.php/rbne/article/view/722
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