Comparison anthropometric of old person practice physical activity and doesn’t practice physical activity of a recreational center of the Recife/PE: an association with cardiovascular risk
The oldness guides to structurally lost and arise the cardiac risk. In 2025 the word will have 1,2 billions of old person and 30 millions in Brazil. Objectives: Compare a between old persons woo practice physical activity (PFA) and old person who doesn’t practice physical activity (DPFA), about of cardiac risk. Materials and methods: It was used two groups of 17 persons, being one physically active and the other doesn’t. They were separated in four subgroups, according whit chronological age. The dates were collected in a recreational center in Recife. Results: The average of the age, weight, stature, of the PFA, is the 67.7 ± 6.5 year, 69.9 ±13.9 Kg, 161.8 ± 9.0 cm, respectively. The BMI indicates one ouver weight and a thigh level of cardiac risk, and the relation waist/hip was 0.89 ± 0.10. The average of age, weight, stature of the DPFA is 72.0 ± 6.9 years, 63.1 ± 11.5 Kg), 150.6 ± 8.7 cm, respectively. The BMI of DPFA, shows overweight and a high level of cardiac risk. The relation waist/hip was 0.91 ± 0.11. Discussion: the age demonstrate be a factor of risk. The result was significant between globes weight, stature and age, average, while the results wasn’t. Significant between generals average of BMI and relation waist/hip. On the PFA group a relation waist/hip had correlation with all the variables. Conclusion: The physical exercise doesn’t create any anthropometric changes in the old persons, being necessary more research about the subject.
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