Effect of carbohydrate intake on physical performance during cycling indoor workout

  • Álisson Carvalho Gonçalves Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
  • Jomara Cristina Meira Guerrao Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
  • Renata Monteiro Pelegrini Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
Keywords: Aerobic exercise, Dietary supplementation, Athletic performance


Cycling indoor is a rhythmic and cyclical exercise that promotes metabolic, muscle and cardiorespiratory adaptations. The training mode can increase energy demand to a point that requires the metabolism of carbohydrates. The aim of this study was to observe the effects of the carbohydrates sharp intake on performance in a cycling indoor workout. This study was conducted in a double-blind, cross-over, randomized model. Attended seven recreational male cyclists, aged 36.28 ± 4.33 years, weight 77 ± 8.86 kg. During two similar cycling indoor workout, lasting 80 minutes, participants ingested drinks placebo (PLA) or supplemented (SUP) with dextrose (0.7 g / kg), offered in three stages: 10 minutes before the start, 25 and 50 minutes of exercise. Blood glucose was measured 10 minutes before, at the beginning, in the minutes 35 and 60 and the workout end. Immediately after exercise end, was measured the glucose level, total distance, revolutions per minute (RPM), average power, heart rate and perceived exertion (0-10). The blood glucose was higher in the SUP group at the beginning and at 60 and 80 minutes of workout. The RPM were lower in the SUP group while the other variables were not different. It is concluded that supplementation with dextrose was effective in increasing blood glucose levels, however, this did not influence the physical performance in cycling indoor workout.

Author Biography

Álisson Carvalho Gonçalves, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Fí­sica


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How to Cite
Gonçalves, Álisson C., Guerrao, J. C. M., & Pelegrini, R. M. (2017). Effect of carbohydrate intake on physical performance during cycling indoor workout. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 11(62), 185-191. Retrieved from https://www.rbne.com.br/index.php/rbne/article/view/752
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