Analysis of chemical composition of energy drinks in comparison with nutritional labeling and current legislation
Consumption of energy drinks grows giddy mode and your search by both young and old are for varied purposes, inside and outside the sports environment, such as for its stimulating capacity of the warning system, greater concentration and performance of athletic performance, among other aspects. In this perspective, the aim of this research was to identify, through laboratory analysis, the composition of energy drinks and the information provided on the labels are in line with what is recommended by current Brazilian legislation. For this were analyzed in the laboratory the composition in acid number, pH, reducing sugars and total soluble solids, as well as analysis of the labels of domestic and imported energy drinks. Laboratory tests show a high acidity and pH in all samples, may be considered acidic drinks difficult to microbial growth and high potential erosive to dental enamel. The amount in percentage of reducing sugars in the samples is comparable with the values found in the literature with respect to soft drinks, pointing a lot of monosaccharaides which is interesting for athletes and physical activity practitioners who need quick energy intake. In the labeling analysis irregularities were identified when compared with existing specific laws for this Brazilian food industry. Based on the above results, it can be concluded that there is need for greater rigor in the assessment of the quality standards of these drinks as reported components in their labeling.
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