The influence of sweet potato (ipomea batatas l.) in the gastric emission of solids in agreed rats submitted to acute physical exercise

  • Jade Mouro Lemos Instituto Superior de Teologia Aplicada (INTA)
  • Ana Karolina Martins Cavalcante Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
Keywords: Physical activity, Carbohydrates, Gastrointestinal motility


The food supplementation combined with exercise currently has been a big boost to improve the quality of life and reduction of risk factors for chronic diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of sweet potato (Ipomoea L. potatoes) gastric emptying of solids in rats submitted to acute exercise. Were used male Wistar, which some were submitted to acute exercise and the others were not led to any physical activity, so sedentary. Swimming was chosen as acute training protocol. It was observed that the group of rats that was offered sweet potato and trained with overload of 5% of body weight, obtained a higher percentage of gastric emptying when compared to the group fed only with ration (62.50 ± 6.64 vs 12.25 ± 8.35%) and the groups who did not have acute physical exercise, are those that were fed diets or supplementation of sweet potatoes, showed no statistical difference in relation to gastric emptying. Regarding the assessment of body composition did not change when the animals were submitted to acute exercise. The results lead us to believe that supplementation of sweet potatoes, not directly influenced the change of gastric emptying, but the physical exercise that promoted an acceleration of this emptying. However, it is necessary to act to further studies that relate the effect of acute exercise on gastric emptying of solids, since majority of studies exposes results only on gastric emptying of liquids.

Author Biographies

Jade Mouro Lemos, Instituto Superior de Teologia Aplicada (INTA)

Graduação em Nutrição

Ana Karolina Martins Cavalcante, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Fisioterapeuta (UniChristus), Mestre em Ciências Biológicas-Biotecnologia (INTA), aluna de doutorado em Ciências Médicas(UFC).


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How to Cite
Lemos, J. M., & Cavalcante, A. K. M. (2017). The influence of sweet potato (ipomea batatas l.) in the gastric emission of solids in agreed rats submitted to acute physical exercise. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 11(66), 669-675. Retrieved from
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