Evaluation of nutritional status and food consumption of male volleyball players from an adult category in a city in São Paulo
Volleyball is a team sport that merges aerobic activity with anaerobic, so the assessment of nutritional status and the players of the food intake is necessary, since an athlete can present a caloric expenditure up to four times larger than a sedentary individual. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional status, food consumption and urea and creatinine analysis of volleyball players of a city in the state of São Paulo. Individual interviews were held in the Nutrition Clinic at the University of Franca, with ten players aged 19-28 years, and collected information on food consumption by 24-hour recall, body composition, through the examination of bio impedance and Index mass (BMI), and concentrations of urea and creatinine in the urine and blood. It was observed that 90% of athletes had BMI within the standard (18.5 kg/m² to 24.9 kg/m²) and had adequate body fat being from 5% to 16%, with high-protein diet, carbohydrate consumption below recommended and biochemical evaluation of creatinine and urea showed up normal. Due to the high-energy expenditure in volleyball, and the need for muscle mass maintenance, athletes need high fat diet around 3000 kcal. Therefore, intervention and nutritional counseling are very important for dietary adequacy of the players and improves performance.
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