Whey Protein as an alternative protein supplement for lactose intolerant individuals
Introduction: Whey protein are extracted during the cheese-making process and have high nutritional value. Essential amino acid content, especially branched chain proteins, makes whey proteins widely used by practitioners of physical activity at all levels. However, because it is a protein supplement of milk source, it is necessary to know the lactose content present in the supplement. Aim: To analyze the lactose content in whey protein supplement to verify if the product is an alternative protein supplement for lactose intolerant individuals. Materials and methods: Eight Brazilian brands of the whey protein supplement purchased in Caxias do Sul were analyzed. The analysis was carried out in the Faculdade Fátima Science Laboratory and followed the methodology described by the Adolfo Lutz Institute. Results: The analysis showed that the brands contained lactose levels between 0.13 g.100 mL-1 and 0.27 g.100 mL-1. The average content of lactose was less than 0.5 g.100 mL-1 in all samples. As for the energetic value from proteins, two samples contained below the recommended value, which is at least 50%. Relative to the energetic value from proteins, two samples contained below the recommended value, which is at least 50%. Conclusion: Were found of lactose content values below 0.5 g.100 mL-1, suggesting that the supplements evaluated can be considered as food for special needs regarding to their consumption by patients with intolerance to disaccharide (lactose) intake.
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