Determination of digestive enzymes inhibition activity in vegetable protein based supplements available in international commerce

  • Leonardo Oliveira de Assis Universidade Potiguar
  • Hygor Bruno de Moura Andrade Universidade Potiguar
  • Fabiana Maria Coimbra de Carvalho Universidade Potiguar
  • Raphael Paschoal Serquiz Universidade Potiguar
  • Alexandre Coelho Serquiz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte/Universidade Potiguar
Keywords: Serina proteinase inhibitors, Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Pepsin


Proteins are important components of the human diet and play an essential role as structural and functional elements of living systems. Their nutritional value will depend, among other characteristics, on the amino acid profile, bioavailability, allergenicity, among other factors, and the presence of enzymatic inhibitors may decrease it. Protease inhibitors are traditionally recognized as an anti-nutritional factor and can be easily denatured by thermal processing, although some residual activity may remain in commercially produced products. The present study aimed to determine the specific activity of inhibition for trypsin, chymotrypsin and pepsin in supplements based on isolated plant protein by obtaining the crude extract, determination of soluble proteins and quantification of inhibitory activity through specific tests. All supplements analyzed showed inhibitory activity for trypsin, chymotrypsin and pepsin, and soybean supplements showed the highest inhibitory activity for proteases. In this report, we concluded that the use of these supplements has a negative influence due to the presence of enzymatic inhibitors, reducing their functionality for hypertrophy purposes.

Author Biographies

Leonardo Oliveira de Assis, Universidade Potiguar

Graduado em Nutrição

Hygor Bruno de Moura Andrade, Universidade Potiguar

Graduado em Nutrição

Fabiana Maria Coimbra de Carvalho, Universidade Potiguar

Mestre em Nutrição pela UFRN

Raphael Paschoal Serquiz, Universidade Potiguar

Mestrando em Bioquí­mica pela UFRN

Alexandre Coelho Serquiz, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte/Universidade Potiguar
Doutorando pela Centro de Ciências da Saúde - UFRN Mestre em Bioquí­mica e Biologia Molecular - UFRN Especialista em Nutrição Clínica Avançada. Especialista em Nutrição de Pacientes com Enfermidades Renais Professor de Pós Graduação - Metabolismo Nutricionista do Hospital de Guarnição de Natal - HGuN


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How to Cite
de Assis, L. O., de Moura Andrade, H. B., Coimbra de Carvalho, F. M., Serquiz, R. P., & Serquiz, A. C. (2018). Determination of digestive enzymes inhibition activity in vegetable protein based supplements available in international commerce. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 11(67), 925-933. Retrieved from
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