Hydration in Surf

  • Amélia Regina Somensi Programa de Pós Graduação em Fisiologia do Exercí­cio - Prescrição do Exercí­cio da Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
Keywords: Surfing, Hydration, Sodium, Sports drinks


Surf is a sport that had a surprising evolution in the last years. Although the technology of the sporting material has had a great advance, much little of knows in relation to the physiological aspects that involve a session of surf. The hydration is one of the nutritional strategies more important to guarantee an ideal performance. The surfers use to pass some hours in the sea without if worrying about this question. With intention to verify, which type of drink would be indicated before surfing with the objective holding back more liquid, nine individuals of the masculine sex had been divided in 3 distinct groups, where each group drank a different type of drink. The results had shown that in absolute values the drink formulated with 0.7g/l of sodium and the commercial drink with 0.45mg/l of sodium had had the same efficiency, causing an inferior loss of liquids in relation to the group that consumed water. Being that the average of water loss of the formulated drink and the commercial drink was of 0.46, 0.47 kg respectively, while the water caused an average loss of liquids of 0.70 ± 0.10Kg. Analyzing the values in relation to the percentage of loss of weight, it is verified that the formulated drink was most efficient (0,63 ± 0.66%), followed of the commercial drink (0,70 ± 0.84%) and finally the water (0,98 ± 0.14%).


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How to Cite
Somensi, A. R. (2012). Hydration in Surf. RBNE - Brazilian Journal of Sports Nutrition, 3(13). Retrieved from https://www.rbne.com.br/index.php/rbne/article/view/95
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